Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Change of Vision

Who would have thought there could be that much of a change? I was travelling the other day and decided to stop and use the restroom and grab a coffee. So I stopped at an Irving station, after all Irving stations are renowned for their clean restrooms. Apparently, this particular station hadn't gotten the memo and the rest of the facility wasn't a whole lot better.

Upon hearing my observation (whining), Jason commented that he had noticed the same thing in other stations since Circle K had taken over. And I was disappointed; I had always been able to count on a clean restroom at Irving stations.

Then I saw a couple of lessons to be learned. Once the vision is lost at the leadership level, it's not long before the vision is lost by everyone and that applies to churches, as well as, service stations. Secondly, in people's minds, it is the owner, Irving, who has lowered the standards, not the management Circle K. And so we have to be careful, because when the church stops behaving as it should, it is ultimately a reflection on the owner, Christ and not the management, us

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Watch the Signs

Penn of Denn

I read an article that Golden and District Search and Rescue Association, (GADSAR), a non-profit, volunteer based, search and rescue group from British Columbia, has suspended operations recently after being named in a recent lawsuit.

Apparently, Quebec skier Gilles Blackburn, is seeking damages after he and his late wife spent 9 days lost in the mountains, before GADSAR found them.

You have to understand, Blackburn and his wife skied off trail, in an area that was posted with warnings. His comment was "It is not unusual for experienced downhill skiers, familiar with expert runs, to ignore warning signs and to go off into unpatrolled areas."

It was a tragedy and there were mistakes made, but a deliberate decision was made by Blackburn and his wife to ignore the warnings and disobey the signs and it was that decision, that led to them getting lost.

Isn't it the same way spiritually? Some people deliberately choose to disobey God's direction and then they blame Him or the church for the situation they find themselves in. God is in the saving business, but we have to do our part and that is paying attention to the warnings. Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

It’s about the Fruit

Penn of Denn

Well, it has been a disappointing couple of weeks. Not anything earth shattering, but still. . . First Mel Gibson announced that he was divorcing his wife of 28 years and that his Russian girlfriend was pregnant.

Then singing sensation Susan Boyle, of Britain's Got Talent fame, goes ballistic and cusses out a couple of reporters. And that lady has a potty mouth. I can't believe she used that same mouth to kiss her mother.

Now celebrities fornicating and cussing isn't anything new or surprising, but both of these folks were fairly vocal in talking about the importance of the church in their lives. Now I know some of you are thinking: Don't judge people Denn. But Jesus did tell us that we would be able to identify a tree by its fruit. He reminds us in Matthew 12:33 "A tree is identified by its fruit. If a tree is good, its fruit will be good. If a tree is bad, its fruit will be bad." If that is truly the case, those trees aren't looking so hot.

Just a reminder that ultimately people will believe what we do, not what we say. Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.