Thursday, November 28, 2013

The cost of a Beautiful Day.

I was on my way back from my trip to Peru last week and we had a three hour layover in Dallas on November 22, 50 years since the assassination of John Kennedy.  And it was cold.  Not cool….. cold.  When we flew in it was 3 degrees Celsius and raining, it was warmer in Halifax!  But the weather got me pondering.  If it had of been 3 degrees and raining 50 years ago, JFK and Jackie would not have been sitting up high in an open convertible and perhaps this year he would have been celebrating his 94th birthday.
But because it was a beautiful day, life changed for JFK, his widow, Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby.    
And once again I realized how fragile and fleeting life can be.  God’s word says, “ life is like the morning fog, it’s here a little while and then it’s gone.” 
As fleeting as life might be, it is the life that was given to each of us to make a difference in our world.  So, the question is: do you live your life in such a way that when it’s gone you’ll have no regrets?  There are no mulligans in life, and I don’t want my last thoughts to be “If only. . .”  Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Defining Moments

Defining  moments.  Do you  ever think about the defining moments in your life? You know, the big things that make you stop and think about life. A couple of the defining moments for our generation, celebrated (if you can use that word) major anniversaries this past week. The assassination of John F. Kennedy happened fifty years ago on Friday. For many people inside and outside of the U.S. this was definitely a defining moment in their life. They can tell you where they were and what they were doing when it happened.
For example, I was three and I was playing with my building blocks.  I remember thinking, “This can’t be happening.” Just kidding.

I have no memory of that event whatsoever. On the other hand, I do remember where I was and what I was doing on November 18th, 1978, and I remember how I felt when I heard the news about the Jonestown tragedy. At 18 years old, I couldn’t comprehend what would compel 913 people to commit suicide.  At 53 I’m none the wiser, at least in regard to that incident.

So here’s the question. Are we as committed to giving Jesus Christ our lives to live as they were in giving Jim Jones their lives to die?
Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Safety Briefing

I was on my way to South Carolina the other day and I started my flight doing something I haven't done in a long time.  I actually listened to the airline's safety spiel. It was kind of interesting.  The first thing that captured my attention was the seat belt demonstration.  Now I don't want to appear unkind in any way, shape or form, but let's face it, if you don't know how to operate a seat belt you probably shouldn't be permitted to fly by yourself. Just sayin’

But then it got even more interesting! The flight attendant started to explain the oxygen masks and told us if they dropped and we were travelling with children that we should put ours on before attempting to help our children,  and I thought to myself,  “That will preach!” 
What she was telling us was: while there was no guarantee that your salvation would assure that your children would be saved, apparently it would make it more likely.  That transfers to church as well.  While spiritually there is no guarantee that your salvation will assure that your children will be saved, it will make their salvation more likely.  Why?  Because more is caught then taught.  And you do care about your kid's salvation, don't you?  Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.  

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Who's Who?

I cringed the other day while watching the news and it was reported that the youth pastor at a nearby Baptist church had been arrested and charged for possessing and accessing child pornography.  Sin is sin but it seems like some sins are more reprehensible than others, at least in the eyes of many. 
If the charges are proved to be true, then the young man has not only damaged his career and family but has brought disrepute on his church and all churches.  And if the charges are proved to be false, well the damage has been done.   At least in one  news accounts it states,  “None of the allegations against Hudgins have been tested in court.”  But in the real world that really doesn’t matter because he has already been tried in the media.  If he is found to be not guilty there won’t be nearly as much attention coverage given and he will always be painted with that particular brush.
It’s also interesting to note that while the accused worked part time as a youth pastor he also worked full time for the National Research Council, which many media outlets either skipped or minimized that fact.  I Guess “Youth Pastor Sinning” makes a better headline than “Civil Servant Sinning.” 
Have a great week and remember: To see what is really possible, you will have to attempt the impossible.